Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanksgiving Day & Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day & Thanksgiving

For a lot of people Thanksgiving Day is having a party, football games, family reunions, etc... The first thanksgiving wasn’t a party nor a holiday, but a simply gathering. Following the mayflower’s arrival at Plymouth Rock on December 11th, 1620, the Pilgrims suffered the loss of 46 of their original 102 colonists. 91 Indians helped the Pilgrims survive the winter, lasting three days the pilgrims and the Indians united in a thanksgiving observance. There are many traditions that their own meaning of thanks giving. Some say it an expression of gratitude, submissions of the local natives, a council’s recognition of its community, the defeat over the British, resulting in a collection of our nation’s traditions and values.

I’m thankful for…
~ My family
~ Having a home
~ Having food on the table every day
~ My new baby brother
~ My best friend                                                        
~ My dad having a job                                                                         ~All my family being healthy
~ Having all my family’s love
~ Being able to count on my best friend and family
My teachers trying to push me to do better in school
~ All the things I have
~ Having my family together 

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